Toronto Neuroimaging
Toronto Neuroimaging Facility (ToNI) is a shared research center, dedicated to research and teaching in human neuroimaging at the University of Toronto, run by the Department of Psychology.
Contact Us
When you arrive, press the button on the intercom and someone will come let you in.
- 325 Huron Street
- Main email: psy.mri.info@utoronto.ca
- Scanner control room: 416-946-0356
- Physicist: 416-978-7613, psy.mri.physicist@utoronto.ca
- Billing: 416-978-7617, psy.mri.billing@utoronto.ca
Interested in participating in an MRI research study?
- Please enter your contact information in our secure database: https://uoft.me/toni-participate
- You will become part of our participant pool for current and future studies at the ToNI and may be contacted by one of our researchers.
- You can opt out again at any time.
Can I get an MRI for medical reasons at ToNI?
- Unfortunately not.
- As a research-only MRI facility, we cannot provide any diagnostic scans. You would have to get in touch with your healthcare provider to receive a brain MRI.
- You may obtain a referral for a diagnostic brain MRI chosen by your family physician.
- If you are a student, you may make an appointment to see one of the Student Health Centre doctors.
- For medical emergencies, please find your nearest hospital and visit the emergency department.

Our world-class faculty have made seminal advances in understanding how the brain supports all aspects of cognition, spanning perception, attention, memory, language, decision making, and social reasoning, across all stages of the lifespan – from babies to the oldest old.

We are pleased to offer a state-of-the art Siemens Prisma 3T Full-Body MRI Scanner and a full range of peripheral devices to enable first-rate functional MRI studies, such as visual and auditory stimulus presentation, eye-movement monitoring, cardiac and respiratory recording, and a mock scanner.

ToNI’s users have a number of opportunities available to them for training and education, listed in our calendar.
Scan with Us

Get trained to use the scanner
Get started at ToNI

Learn more about our policies at ToNI
Safety Overview

Read the safety policies for our facility