
Training 2023-10-23T14:18:15-04:00

ToNI’s users have a number of opportunities available to them for training and education, listed in our calendar.

User and operator training: New users of ToNI are given training in the use of our facilities. Each researcher must obtain training to use the MRI lab and operate ToNI equipment. Access status is broken up into two categories: Level 1 Users, and Level 2 Operators. Operators are given full privileges to the facility and can access the facility with a UofT ID Fob. Level 1 Users are safety trained, but may access the center only when ToNI personnel are present or when they are accompanied by Level 2 Operators. If you wish to book a Level 1 Safety Training course, please email

Please note: We can only accommodate trainings for prospective users who are part of a concrete study that is already running at the ToNI or in the immediate planning phase. If you are interested in MRI research in general, contact one of our faculty members or sign up as a participant in our secure database.

User meetings and Basecamp group: We host bi-weekly ToNI user meetings to provide users an opportunity to get feedback on their experimental design and data analysis, as well as to discuss new research and important issues facing the neuroimaging community. Users are encouraged to join our Basecamp group to stay up to date on training and educational opportunities associated with ToNI.  The Basecamp site works like an interactive message board where you can communicate with other users. Use pings for informal conversations with one or a few users. Post messages on our “Help” board if you need advice about MRI analyses, sequences, peripheral equipment, and more.  Share information about MRI workshops, talks, or job opportunities. Basecamp is a great way to become part of the ToNI community. Basecamp is also your source for information about our bi-weekly user group. After signing up, you will get meeting announcements and will have access to paper and tool repositories shared by our speakers.  To join, email our Physicist ( with your name, position, and preferred email address. Once invited to the group, users can customize their email notification preferences to only receive notifications from certain message boards.

Coursework: Several courses will be offered by the Department of Psychology to give students and postdocs in-depth exposure to the fundamentals of MRI and fMRI, and hands-on experience with the collection and analysis of MRI data.